How Leaders find Happiness…

Another formula for finding happiness in this lifetime…especially for leaders:

Don’t think less of yourself…think of yourself less!”

Whether at work, at home, or thinking of relatives, loved ones, neighbors, or even your pet…focusing on the needs of others takes our minds off ourselves.  Then, through action, happiness finds us.

Action can be in the form of a prayer, note, call, favor, or kind gesture.

So, today, think of someone else…and an action you can take.  Keep it up.  Happiness will find you.

To be an effective #2 In Charge…you have to have the confidence of #1. Here is how to do so…


Our Group brainstormed how to gain, nurture, and keep the confidence of our #1’s (Owners, Founders, CEO, Board Chair, etc.).  This is a real challenge for many in our COO Forum.  Here are some ideas we suggested.  Can you recommend some more for us?  Thanks!

    • Manage the barrage of ideas from the top (record, consider, respond to each of them)
    • Provide written, regular, frequent reports on the business’s progress: Let them know you are in control of operations.
    • Provide quantitative analysis where possible to support your analysis and recommendations
    • Use their own words when you are reporting back (visions, goals, values, assessments, etc.)
      • Report back formally, so they know you are “following up” and “following through” on their ideas and requests.
      • Communicate the company’s current “story” so they know you are in control.
      • Play to their egos when appropriate, so they will be more prone to listening to you and hearing you.
        • Ask them to Define and then Rank their priorities.
        • Find common words, expressions, and language for everyone to use.
        • Reinforce management philosophies and desired cultural shifts by handing out copies of management books as support tools and visual reminders to staff and bosses.
          • Raving Fans (Blanchard)
          • One-Minute Manager (Blanchard)
          • The Five Dysfunctions of a TEAM (Lencioni)
          • YOUR IDEAS?