Leadership Lessons from the BBQ Grill

This past Tuesday, we hosted our annual Summer BBQ at our home and invited members of the CEO Club of Marin, COO Forum, and special friends of Stanton Chase.

As I checked the meat and fish on the grill, anticipating the arrival of my first guests, the last thing on my mind was leadership theory or stories.  In fact, don’t we often grill to get away from it all? Maybe have a beer, or cabernet, and focus on something besides work? By the end of the evening, I was overwhelmed by the sense of leadership, relationship, community, and team building.

I wrote about some of the things what I learned, you can read about it here: http://ceoclubofmarin.com/2015/07/17/leadership-lessons-from-the-bbq-grill/

Photos from the Party:

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