Be sure to review two good articles in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. On Page One, by Julan Guthrie, staff writer, explores the world of older job-seekers in a tough market. Great article…good advice offer in her Tips section.
The second article, by Verne Kopytoff, on page C-1, Business Section, on how rising unemployment is pushing activity on the top job listing web sites. Do you agree with the web sites? I was surprised by the fourth- and fifth-ranked sites in this article, and agree with the to three. in San Francisco, job-sekers can also benefit from Craig’s List and LinkedIn.
I guess LinkedIn and Facebook will see a rise of usage for recruiters in the next few months to come if unemployment rates will still rise (I hope not!)
But yes i must agree that rising unemployment is pushing activity on top job listing websites. It’s the logical situation to materialize.