Bringing the Global Power of Stanton Chase to the Wine Industry

Ian MacNeilby Ian MacNeil, Senior Search Consultant, North Bay San Francisco

As the wine harvest winds down in Northern California and the signs of Winter begin to emerge, wine executives shift their focus from their fields to their office teams. Their strategic plan for 2017 includes reviewing their personnel, including hiring, developing, training, and retention needs for the coming year.  However, this year, in Northern California, they have one more tool in their arsenal!

Stanton Chase is now the only global executive retained search firm with an office and “boots-on-the-ground” in the wine country, with the addition of Ian MacNeil.  Ian brings over 18 years of living, working, and networking in wine country.  His hands-on experience gives significant advantage to a CPG companies, particularly in the Wine/Beverage/Food and Hospitality industries.

IMN article imageThe demand for recruiting highly-qualified directors and executives to all sizes of wine and food companies is very strong right now, thus raising the stakes for executives seeking to add to their team and increase their competitiveness in the marketplace.  More executives and owners are turning to retained search firms, and now they have one of their own to help them.  Ian has built trusting relationships across vineyards, wineries, retailers, and bankers, both locally and globally.

Looking ahead to the next generation of wine industry executives, Stanton Chase is leading the way for them.   Ian is active in the North Bay wine and hospitality education community.  He teaches college-level courses on topics relevant to the wine industry, sits on advisory boards, and mentors students pursuing executive careers in Northern California and across the globe.

With 75 offices in 45 countries, Stanton Chase has an office in proximity to every major wine growing region in the world.  The San Francisco North Bay is a hot-bed for food innovation and entrepreneurship.  Across Stanton Chase, inter-office cooperation and active communication enhances trust and opportunity across continents for the benefit of local growers, winery operators, foodies, as well as multi-national companies.  Executive searches range from the highly visible to the highly confidential, customized for each company’s needs.  When Wine/Beverage/Food/Hospitality executives and owners need help recruiting their top teammates, Stanton Chase is there as their leadership partner…now in the San Francisco’s North Bay.  So, as the leaves fall off the vines in the fields, the wines ferment in the barrels, and executives plan for their 2017 human capital needs, they can now call Ian MacNeil for help!

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